Hours of Operation:
Monday - Sunday,
8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.


About An Ordained NonDenominational Minister From New York, NY

Emily King is a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant and ordained nondenominational minister in New York, NY, of the Universal Brotherhood Movement. She is legally empowered to act as the officiant at weddings in New York State and New York City, as well as neighboring states. She is the founder of the Sacred Word Healing Circle, an interfaith spiritual potluck, meeting in New York City parks, nonprofit gilded-age salons, and rehab hospitals. In addition to her theatrical career in the United States and Britain, Emily worked for many years as a writer and editor in the recording industry. 

Emily is able to offer bilingual ceremonies, and is a published translator of French, German, and Italian texts, and has studied American Sign Language, Spanish, and Mandarin Chinese. She lives in Manhattan with her family and spends every free weekend upstate, digging in her mother's garden.

The Beauty of Ritual

Certified Civil Celebrant, Emily King:

"Several paths brought me to celebrancy. The first was my love of ritual and the spoken word. I was trained in both for many years in the theater as an actress, singer, playwright and director. The second was a growing desire to find a way to be more useful to my community and the world around us. Raised as a Roman Catholic and often a choir member in many denominations, I know the power of ritual and the belief stirred by the beauty of place, music, history and poetry. That energy can heal the individual and create a community out of neighboring strangers."

It's Your Life. Why Not Celebrate It!

Rev. Emily King speaks about poetry and ceremony.

Trained by the Celebrant Foundation & Institute as a Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant™